Welcome. My name is Jill and in 2006 I converted to Catholicism from the New Age movement. I was heavily involved in astrology and other occult practices for some 20 years. Thru these posts you will learn about my journey. I pray as a result you will be drawn into communion with our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Divine Healings

When I converted to Catholicism, I wasn’t a Christian.  I didn’t convert from one flavor of Christianity to another, nor was I raised Christian.  Secular is the best description of how I was raised.  I eventually became very involved in the “New Age Movement”.  But my conversion was dramatic and as I told the priest at my first confession, “…if someone had wanted to burn down the Catholic Church I would have thrown the first match”.  As a matter of fact I had written an article condemning the Catholic Church years earlier.  The details of my conversion will come out as I continue writing in this blog.
But for now I want to share a couple of healings that occurred after I entered the Church.  When I converted to Christianity I quit a very prestigious and high paying job.  And let me assure you there are still people out there that think I’m crazy.   But anyway, shortly after my First Communion I received “the Cross”.  For those of you as “green” as I was, the Cross is considered some hardship you need to bear in patience, as our Lord Jesus Christ did when he carried his Cross.  My “Cross” at the time was that my unemployment lasted for 15 months.   And I didn’t have enough money to pay for health insurance; I didn’t have money for a lot of things. 
However I did sign up for an “indigent” health care plan.  Then one day their staff called me, out of the blue, and said “by the way, we are currently running a program to offer those under our plan a free colonoscopy”.  Not an entirely pleasant proposition, but I said yes.  As a result I was diagnosed with “Celiac” disease.  After reading about the symptoms I realized I had had Celiac disease for at least 10 years.  Now comes a very important point, if I had health insurance I could not have had this procedure and I would not have been diagnosed.  The physician wouldn’t have had any reason to prescribe it because the symptoms are so vague and varied that the chances of even suspecting it would have been very slim.  And of course the insurance would never have paid for it.  So; as a result of being unemployed and not having any health insurance the Lord worked in a mysterious way and I was cured of many health problems that I had had for over a decade.  A change in diet was all it took. 
That was the first healing.  The next healing cured problems I had for at least 30 years.  Eventually I got a job that came with health insurance.  I went to the doctor who sent me to get some labs as a result of a heart murmur.  While there I started talking with the woman administering the lab.  She and I had the same symptoms over the course of many years.  We both just kept saying “me too” while we were comparing notes.  Well this wonderful woman had found the cure and told me what it was.  So I bought some “Sea Kelp” and within one hour the heart murmur that I had for some 30 years was gone, never to return.  It’s an iodine thing associated with the thyroid, which was removed when I was in high school.  And then it continued to cure a lot of other symptoms, serious symptoms.
Actually I was a little irritated and went to the doctor and asked why they hadn’t picked up on the “low” iodine level as a result of the testing they had been doing for decades.  They kept testing my thyroid over and over again and everything came back fine.  My doctor said that they don’t test for low iodine in the United States because it’s so rare.  But I do thank God for the woman in the lab and I gave her a kiss before I left.  Christ was working thru her that day.
I think these stories show how the Lord blesses those who trust in Him; which is why I wanted to share them.  Quitting my job was scary.  Going without health insurance was scary.  But I had come to know that God was real and I knew that I was going to spend the rest of my life serving Him.  If it meant losing everything, so be it.  I was given many Crosses, and am still carrying some, but look how he has blessed me!  He has restored my health, and what a very great blessing that is.  Praise and Glory to the Divine Physician; Our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful blog, Jill! I'm inspired by your courage in carrying your Cross. I look forward to more stories of your discovery of Christ and His Church.

